Clinical Admin Director
What is the most rewarding aspect of your work at Autism Specialty Group?
The most rewarding aspect is working at Autism Specialty Group is collaboration and working as a team with RBT’s and parents. Together, we formulate strategies so that all children, adolescents, and adults display continuous progress in their skill repertiore and make strides to be successful individuals in the home, school, and community settings.
Where do you find inspiration for your work?
Inspiration is found during my initial intakes and assessments with clients, as my brain starts stirring as to how I can help every family. I strategize how to teach skills in different ways to maximize performance and learning. Also, whenever I reach a barrier to progress, it challenges me to think outside the box.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Most of all, I enjoy being married and being a new mommy. Outdoor activities such as running, cycling, paddle boarding, rock climbing, and playing with my dog Lucy are my daily interests.
So, you compete in marathons. Are you good?
I am pretty awesome at running half-marathons; my fastest time was 1 hour and 52 minutes which is an average pace of 8:33 minutes per mile. Full marathons (26.2 miles) take me a little longer and more percerverence, which is connected to striving for the best during my daily work.
Favorite animal?
Giraffes and Dachshunds