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Maria Teresa Rodriguez

“I am inspired for my work by my family.  Specifically, my youngest son benefited greatly from ABA Therapy by learning skills that can be applied within the community, school, or at home. ”


where do you find inspiration for your work?

I am inspired for my work by my family.  Specifically, my youngest son benefited greatly from ABA Therapy by learning skills that can be applied within the community, school, or at home.

how do you like to spend your time off?

I love spending time with my family and friends and enjoy doing Pilates very much.  When time allows, I also like to travel, visiting my home country or new places around the world.

favorite animal? or favorite food? or favorit place? my favorite animal?

I love dogs and boxers are my favorite breed.  My son has a brindle boxer named Jordi and besides being his best friend, he is also a great emotional support to everyone at home.   Jordi is always curious, happy, and enthusiastic.


Maria Teresa Rodriguez